CQV Engineer in Visp

We are looking for an engineer who carries out a variety of tasks related to the validation of equipment and facilities within a biopharmaceutical manufacturing site.

Your responsibilities:

Validation activities: Facilities, Utilities, Validation Life Cycle,
Execution, Technical Documentation, Process, GAP Analysis, Risk Assessment, among others.
The validation documentation deliverables include URS, DQ, FMEA, Risk Assessments, FAT, SAT, Protocols (IQ, IOQ, OQ, PQ).
Prepare validation documents. Execution of IQ/OQ and PQ for equipment, systems and utilities.
Write reports of completed validation activities.
Quality Systems activities including Document Management system, Change Control, Non-Conformities, and CAPA?s.
Writing and/or revising procedures applicable to the Engineering activities.
Support the Engineering group to prepare the validation, requalification, and maintenance program.

Your background:

Bachelor in Science or Technical field.
Advanced Level Pharma Industry 5-10 years.
Excellent technical writing skills and the ability to document all work in a thorough, accurate and timely manner.
Excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to work interdepartmentally in an effective manner to carry out daily duties.

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Weitere offene Stellen gibt es hier: coopers.ch

Job Profil

Life Sciences - Engineering

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Larissa Birkle
Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 41 632 30 67
m/w/d, Wallis

Firma: Coopers Group AG


Festanstellung oder temporär


Visp (VS)

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Publikationsdatum: 19.11.2024

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