Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter Seniorenbetreuung in Grenchen
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Was können wir für Sie tun?
Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to:
Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting) Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
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Warum Dovida wählen? Wir bieten Betreuung zu Hause, damit Sie so lange wie möglich so leben können, wie Sie es möchten.
Im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns stehen Authentizität, Respekt und Einfühlungsvermögen.
Wir setzen auf Kooperation und bestärken Sie, Ihre Ressourcen zu nutzen.
Unser Ziel ist Ihr Wohlbefinden und dass Sie so leben können sich wünschen.
Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and
access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting)
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
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Unsere Dienstleistungen Wir wissen, wie wertvoll es ist, in den eigenen vier Wänden alt werden zu können, und wir sind hier, um Ihnen
bei jedem Schritt zur Seite zu stehen. Entdecken Sie unsere Dienstleistungen.
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Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting)
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
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Warum Dovida – unsere Betreuungsphilosophie Im Mittelpunkt unserer Betreuung und Pflege steht der Mensch. Entdecken Sie, wie unser personenzentrierter Ansatz es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihr Leben so zu leben, wie Sie es möchten.
Warum Betreuung zu Hause? Vielverbreiteter Wunsch von Seniorinnen und Senioren ist es, im vertrauten Zuhause und nicht im Pflegeheim alt zu werden. Auch mit Betreuungsbedarf ist es möglich, selbstbestimmt dort zu leben, wo man sich wohl und geborgen fühlt.
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Was unterscheidet Dovida von anderen Anbietern im Bereich der Betreuung und Pflege zu Hause? Welche Formen der Betreuung bieten Sie? Wie werden die Betreuerinnen und Betreuer ausgewählt und geschult? Kann ich meine Betreuungskraft selbst auswählen? Wie komme ich zu Betreuung durch Dovida?
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We currently serve 53 local areas
Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting)
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
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Kontaktieren Sie uns +41 61 855 60 50
Hauptsitz Seniorendienste Schweiz AG Erlenweg 3 4310 Rheinfelden
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Warum Seniorenbetreuung zu Hause? Unser «Kreis der Fürsorge» Agenturpartnerschaft
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Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting)
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
Wir sind nicht mehr Home Instead Schweiz Wir sind jetzt Dovida! Mehr erfahren
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Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon. If you allow, we would also like to:
Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting) Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
Wir sind nicht mehr Home Instead Schweiz Wir sind jetzt Dovida! Mehr erfahren Fortfahren
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© 2024 Dovida. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Leben Sie so, wie Sie es wollen
Wir bringen echte menschliche Beziehungen und personenorientierte Werte in die Betreuung und Pflege zu Hause ein.
Deutsch MENÜ
Responsible use of your data We and our 920 partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-number, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and services development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration or by clicking on the Privacy trigger icon.
If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting)
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section.
Firma: Home Instead
- Arbeitspensum:
- 50 - 100%
- Anstellungsverhältnis:
- Festanstellung oder temporär
- Stellen-Typ:
- Mitarbeiter/In
- Arbeitsort:
- Grenchen (SO)