R&D Engineer in Turgi

The Medium Voltage Drives R&D team is in charge of the design and development of the Medium Volt-age Power Electronics Frequency Converters subjected to multiple operation conditions and constraints required on different application fields and industries such as marine, wind, water, oil and gas, food industry, metals, mining, etc.
In such a framework and as part of the Power Electronics and Components R&D team, we are looking for a R&D Power Electronics Engineer.


Member of the MV Drives - Power Electronics and Components R&D team leading the system design, specification, testing and qualification of the main components and sub-systems of a new family of MV frequency converters. The tasks cover the phases from the conceptual design of the Power Electronics Converter Systems using simulation tools to their final validation in the R&D labs, with special focus on the qualification of MV components, interaction with key suppliers, etc
Contribution to the maintenance and further development of the key Power Electronics Technologies Expertise and Know-How of the MV Drives Power Electronics and Components R&D team


University Master degree, PhD in the field of electrical engineering with focus on Power Electronics and orientation to High Power and Medium Voltage applications
Solid background experience in Power Electronics System Design and Development or equivalent related experience, working as Power Electronics expert
Expertise and practical experience on High Power and Medium Voltage converters is an advantage
Sound knowledge in modelling, simulation and system design analysis using state of the art simulation and engineering design tools
High interest and focus on practical experimentation, testing and validation in MV lab environment and new products and functionality’s introduction to the market. Expertise in solutions and components qualification in MV environments is desired
Interest in applied research and development, self-organized, motivated people, that like to work in a highly qualified research and development team composed of experts in different domains
A solution-focused approach and strong written and spoken communication skills
Fluency in written and spoken English. German is a plus

We thank you for your application.

The Medium Voltage Drives R&D team is in charge of the design and development of the Medium Volt-age Power Electronics Frequency Converters subjected to multiple operation conditions and constraints required on different application fields and industries such as marine, wind, water, oil and gas, food industry, metals, mining, etc.
In such a framework and as part of the Power Electronics and Components R&D team, we are looking for a R&D Power Electronics Engineer.


Member of the MV Drives - Power Electronics and Components R&D team leading the system design, specification, testing and qualification of the main components and sub-systems of a new family of MV frequency converters. The tasks cover the phases from the conceptual design of the Power Electronics Converter Systems using simulation tools to their final validation in the R&D labs, with special focus on the qualification of MV components, interaction with key suppliers, etc
Contribution to the maintenance and further development of the key Power Electronics Technologies Expertise and Know-How of the MV Drives Power Electronics and Components R&D team


University Master degree, PhD in the field of electrical engineering with focus on Power Electronics and orientation to High Power and Medium Voltage applications
Solid background experience in Power Electronics System Design and Development or equivalent related experience, working as Power Electronics expert
Expertise and practical experience on High Power and Medium Voltage converters is an advantage
Sound knowledge in modelling, simulation and system design analysis using state of the art simulation and engineering design tools
High interest and focus on practical experimentation, testing and validation in MV lab environment and new products and functionality’s introduction to the market. Expertise in solutions and components qualification in MV environments is desired
Interest in applied research and development, self-organized, motivated people, that like to work in a highly qualified research and development team composed of experts in different domains
A solution-focused approach and strong written and spoken communication skills
Fluency in written and spoken English. German is a plus

We thank you for your application.

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Diogo Melo

+41 58 201 56 62
Zürich Professionals IT

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Job Details


Turgi, Aargau


Diogo Melo



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Job Details

Firma: Randstad Schweiz AG


50 - 100%
Festanstellung oder temporär


Turgi (AG)

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Publikationsdatum: 21.04.2024

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