Scientific Business Analyst in Basel

Our client, a renowned pharmaceutical company is looking for a Scientific Business Analyst based in Basel, Switzerland.

The perfect candidate has a masters degree in a scientific discipline and the first professional experiences in business analytics. The candidate is highly motivated and curious for Pharma and R&D Informatics, is a pragmatic thinker with problem-solving skills and strong hands-on abilities. Lastly, the person communicates fluently in English.

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Capture and document user needs and feedback to inform continuous improvement of innovative products
Requirement analysis and documentation. "As-Is" and "To-Be" business analysis for processes, workflows, and technical solutions
Enhance training materials, including user guides, and other documentation
Provide end-to-end support and training for end users on established and new use cases
Effective communication and collaboration with product teams and scientific partners

Key Requirements :

Min. Master in // Background in science (R&D labs) and strong interest in digital transformative solutions
1-5 years of experience in business analytics
High motivation and curiosity for Pharma and R&D Informatics (Data & Analytics)
Ability to learn quickly by an open mindset and passion for working in an environment with high complexity and urgency
Pragmatic thinking with problem-solving skills with strong hands-on abilities
Efficient/fluent communication (written/verbal) in English
Experience with Jira preferable, and other tools relevant to user requirements documentation (agile ways of working)
Knowledge of software system design patterns, and keen interest in whiteboarding new designs
Basic programming skills are a plus (e.g. to validate and test out ideas). There will be a team of developers and APIs to play with (optional).

Its an urgent position, please apply soon!

Our client, a renowned pharmaceutical company is looking for a Scientific Business Analyst based in Basel, Switzerland.

The perfect candidate has a masters degree in a scientific discipline and the first professional experiences in business analytics. The candidate is highly motivated and curious for Pharma and R&D Informatics, is a pragmatic thinker with problem-solving skills and strong hands-on abilities. Lastly, the person communicates fluently in English.

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Capture and document user needs and feedback to inform continuous improvement of innovative products
Requirement analysis and documentation. "As-Is" and "To-Be" business analysis for processes, workflows, and technical solutions
Enhance training materials, including user guides, and other documentation
Provide end-to-end support and training for end users on established and new use cases
Effective communication and collaboration with product teams and scientific partners

Key Requirements :

Min. Master in // Background in science (R&D labs) and strong interest in digital transformative solutions
1-5 years of experience in business analytics
High motivation and curiosity for Pharma and R&D Informatics (Data & Analytics)
Ability to learn quickly by an open mindset and passion for working in an environment with high complexity and urgency
Pragmatic thinking with problem-solving skills with strong hands-on abilities
Efficient/fluent communication (written/verbal) in English
Experience with Jira preferable, and other tools relevant to user requirements documentation (agile ways of working)
Knowledge of software system design patterns, and keen interest in whiteboarding new designs
Basic programming skills are a plus (e.g. to validate and test out ideas). There will be a team of developers and APIs to play with (optional).

Its an urgent position, please apply soon!

kontaktiere uns.

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Richa Bali

+41 58 201 56 70
Zürich Professionals IT

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Basel, Basel-Stadt


Richa Bali



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Job Details

Firma: Randstad Schweiz AG


50 - 100%
Festanstellung oder temporär


Basel (BS)

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Publikationsdatum: 21.08.2024

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